Saturday, December 8, 2012

Plans for 2013...

The 2013 Race Schedule is starting to fall into place.

February 23rd: Colchester 1/2??

March 3rd Cammesett 50k Road (Long Island)

March 23rd: Savin Rock 1/2

April 7th ?? Bimbler's Bash "10k"

April 13th?? TrapRock 50k Volunteer?

April 21st: Lake Waramaug 50k/50mile.

May 18th: 3-Days at the Fair 100mile/24 hours

June 8th: Cayugah 50? Too Close?

June 29th: Western States 100.

July 20th: Pace/Crew Vermont 100.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex. I live in San Francisco, but I am in town for a few weeks visiting my gf who is in school here in New Haven. I have been doing laps in East Rock but would love to tag along for a long run this weekend, if you have anything planned. Any interest? galengt (at) gmail . com. Woot!
